
About Us


Crafting Living Masterpieces

Step into a world where living spaces become masterpieces. HomesBy Art transcends the ordinary, crafting homes that redefine contemporary living. Our portfolio boasts over a thousand distinctive developments, each a testament to our dedication to innovation and quality. From opulent custom estates to cozy duplexes, every residence is a canvas of sophistication.

As a prominent figure in the homebuilding landscape, HomesBy Art is more than a construction company—it’s a curator of lifestyles. Our vision extends into the future, aspiring for continual growth, a pivotal role among top home builders, and an expansive presence throughout Calgary and Alberta.

Unveiling our work process

Shaping Lifestyles With Elegance

Embark on a journey with HomesBy Art, where our focus extends beyond homes to crafting spaces that harmonize innovation and timeless design, reflecting your distinctive lifestyle.


Redefining Living Spaces - Striving to be at the forefront of the industry, we aim to shape the future of homebuilding by consistently delivering exceptional homes, contributing to sustainable communities, and setting new standards for modern living.


Crafting Homes, Building Dreams - We are dedicated to creating homes that go beyond shelter, enriching lives through innovative design, quality craftsmanship, and a commitment to customer satisfaction.


Contact Homes By Art today. Your dream home awaits.

Ready to turn your dream home into a reality? Reach out to us at HomesBy Art, where every detail matters. Whether you have questions, want to explore our home options, or discuss a potential project, our team is here to assist you.


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#3080 11124 36St Ne calgary T3N 1L3

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